piektdiena, 2008. gada 19. decembris

Subaru Outback '04: Err 55 + check engine, light cruise

Uz odometra parādījās Err 55 (vai Err SS) + mirgo cruise, deg check engine un deg ABS lampiņa

a) Paguglējot izrādās, ka Err SS iedegās tad, kad 1 ritenis griežas ātrāk par citiem. Man tieši bija gadījies uz ledus griezties rinķī, tā kā 1 priekšējais ritenis spolēja kādu laiku.
b) Nolasot kļūdu ar OBD reader, kļūda parādījās kā P0500, iekš subaru OBDII code tables, tā tiek aprakstīta kā "Vehicle speed (from ABS)".

"Your odo is actually displaying Er SS which indicates the ABS/VDC system detected a problem with the data from one of the wheel Speed Sensors. This ususally prompts the OBD computer to set a P0500 trouble code, which turns on the CEL and disables cruise control. This problem is usually the result of getting stuck in snow and one of the wheels spins much faster than the others. It should all go away after about 3 driving cycles if that's the case."

p.s. Auto: Subaru outback '04, AT, 2.5

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